Choice and Decision | Speed Wins

Choice and decision, reacting vs responding

Choice and Decision

Choice (and decision) is one of the most important concepts that you can understand.

Ralph Waldo who wrote “In Tune With The Infinite” said “Nothing is good or bad except our thinking will make it so”.

I’ve written about this in the Law Of Polarity. Everything just is.

We get to choose whether we look at the down side or the up side.

We get to make the decision on what we want and how we want to feel.


Choice vs Circumstance

Michael Beckwith said:

“It doesn’t matter what happens in your life. Doesn’t matter what happens.  You can’t control the circumstance but you can certainly control how you deal with them.”

He said when anything happens:

  • Step #1 It is what it is. Accept it. It’s either going to control you or you’re going to control it. That’s a choice.
  • Step #2 Harvest the good. There’s good and bad in everything. Just harvest the good.
  • Step #3 Forgive all the rest. Forgive means let go of completely. It’s a choice.

“If you let go of the bad, the good seems to grow. You and I have a choice.

It may be a difficult choice if you’re dealing with a particularly difficult individual or a particularly difficult circumstance.

Nevertheless, we’ve got the power within us to do it.”


Reacting And Responding

When something happens, it’s either going to control us or we’re going to control it.

Either way, something is going to happen.

Somebody will saying something. Somebody will do something. Some condition or circumstance could arise that’ll really shake you.

No matter what it is, you must have the ability to take a step back, look at the whole situation, and decided how you want to feel about.

You can’t just react without thinking if you’ve never thought about how you want to react (respond). That’s when your paradigm is in control.

When something happens say  “There’s a learning experience here. I wonder what it is..”

Or “What is the best way for me to react (respond) to this situation ?”

When you do this you are responding.

Reacting is action without thought.

When you react you lose.


How To Respond The Best In Life

Try this exercise. It doesn’t matter what happens, it doesn’t matter what anybody says, just respond with “that’s good”.

I learned this exercise from Bob Proctor a while back and when I made the decision to consciously implement it in my life, I couldn’t believe the result.

It had a major effect on my mood and my thoughts. I was generally happier because I made the choice to look the upside.

Try it for a whole day and see how it changes your thoughts and vibration.

We’ve talked about the Law of Rhythm and this is how you change the direction, the swing of things if they’re not going your way.

Give it a shot.

Clement Stone became the wealthiest man in the United States of America by 1970 because he always said, “that’s good”.

It didn’t matter what happened, or what someone said, he would simply say “that’s good”.

This allowed him to stay in a good vibration with a clear mind to take the best action possible.

He understood he had the choice.

Understand that you have the choice too.


How To Make a Decision

I have a simple question for you:

There’s 3 frogs sitting on a log. One decides to jump off. How many frogs are left?

How many did you guess?

The answer is 3.

Think about it. One frog decides to jump off the log.

…but did froggy actual jump?

You see, making the decision and/or choice to do something requires action to follow through.

How many times in your life have you made a decision and not taken action?

Can we actually make a decision without taking action?

It is my belief that we cannot make a decision without action.

Action finalizes the decision.

Without action we’re just sitting on the log thinking about jumping off the log.


Speed Wins

The amount choices, decisions, and actions you take will equal the results in your life.

These judge if you will hit your goals.

The last idea I want to present to you is speed.

The speed in which you make decisions and take action will dictate how long it takes for you to reach your goals.

Think about froggy who decided to jump of the log. How long was it before he jumped?

The space between choice and decision and the action only lengthens the time it will take to achieve your goals.

The faster you make decision and take action, the faster you’ll learn and become smarter.

It doesn’t even matter if it turns out to be the wrong decision because you’re still learning.

We truly are in control.

We get to write our own story.


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