The Law Of Gender

The Law of Gender And Gestation

The Law Of Gender And Gestation

The Law of Gender decrees that you have to have male and female in everything or you wouldn’t have anything.

Just like how you have positive and negative via The Law Of Polarity or even The Law Of Rhythm.

Your conscious mind is the male factor and your subconscious is the female factor.

The male factor impregnates the female factor with the seed of thought and then in a period of time governed by law of gender you give birth to that idea.

Do you see how the mind has a male factor and female factor?

Gestation Period Of The Law

The Law of Gender decrees all seeds have a gestation or an incubation period.

Every seed has a gestation period.  Whether it be carrot, corn, beans or flowers.

And every seed has a different gestation period.

An experienced farmer or gardener would know about how long it takes from when you put the seed in the ground to when it brings forth fruit.

When a baby is conceived it takes about 280 days before it is born.

That period is governed by the law of gender.

How The Law Of Gender Affects Your Goals

Did you know that your goal is like a seed?

It starts out as a spiritual seed.

We’ve talked about in The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation that there’s always energy (information) flowing in and through your conscious and subconscious mind.

You have the ability to build an idea out of it and say that’s what you’re going after. That’s my goal. That’s what I love.

When you get emotionally involved with the idea, you’ve planted the seed in your subconscious mind and it is subject to gestation period.

This is where most people lose hope.

When something doesn’t happen as fast as they would like.

The thing is we don’t know what the gestation period is for these spiritual seeds.

We do know it is governed by law.

The best we can do is guess the time it will take.

If we pass the guessed time two things could have happened.

You either haven’t given it the energy needed or you chose the wrong date.

If the time frame you chose has passed, simply extended the time frame.

It doesn’t matter if it was because you didn’t work towards it or guess the wrong time, give yourself an extension of time.

Expect it to manifest.

Remember the Law of Perpetual Transmutation and give it everything you’ve got.

Focus all your energy on the goal.

Change The Timing, Not The Goal

Price Prichard said, “The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

There’s things happening that you may not see.

I carry a goal card with me and there’s been many times when I passed the date I wanted to achieve my goal.

Because I understand the law of gender and gestation, I simply set a new date and keep taking action.

Please do not get discouraged if you don’t achieve your goal in the period of time you set for yourself.

Remember The Law Of Vibration, as you move toward your goal, your goal is moving toward you.

Whatever you need, it will come when you need it.

That’s how the Law of Gender works (working in harmony with all the other Laws Of The Universe).

It is going to deliver to you whatever you earn.

No more or no less.

But remember that it must be earned.

Make your mind up today that you will start taking action to change your life.

For an overview of all the Laws Of The Universe Click Here


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